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Contents of Aluminium Window and Door Manufacturer on Auction

Park Village Auctions will bring to market the contents of an aluminium window and door frame manufacturing concern by way of a timed online auction.

That’s the news from PVA’s Werner Burger, who says that the sale represents a favourable opportunity for numerous metal-working concerns to acquire quality, specialised equipment.

In recent years, there has been a widespread shift towards modular building and prefabricated homes, favouring aluminium in its structure and finishes. According to Burger, applications for Aluminium framing extend past doors and windows to out-of-home advertising and signage.

Assets to be sold include an Emmegi Classic Orion 500 TU/6 CNC double-header, an Emmegi Phantonmatic T3 A CNC machine, an Elumatec double-header DG 79, a Mac Afric belt/disc sander, Elumatec copy routers; an Elumatec end mill, a T-S-I De silicone machine, an Elumatec Crimper; a CNC plasma cutter (200amp), and a Weg screw compressor to name a few.

Due to the nature of the Cap-Ex equipment on offer, Burger says that the timed auction format allows bidders to peruse the collection and place considered bids.

The auction commences at 10 am on Tuesday the 7th of June and closes at 12 pm (noon) on Tuesday the 14th of June.

Viewings will be held on the opening day (7th) and closing day (14th) from 9 am to 11:30 am at 50 Jurg Street, Hennopspark, Centurion, Gauteng.

For more information or to register for the auction, please visit web reference number 980.


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